2 years ago
Justin Becker ·
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At a certain point, nearly all individuals reach a point where they begin considering purchasing a home.
Whether that is a stick-built or manufactured home is more based on the individuals’ preferences.
If you have reached this point where hard work in years past has paid off, and you are ready to buy a mobile home, you likely have a lot of questions.
Especially for those of you that we would consider first-time home buyers and are just beginning your search for mobile homes for sale.
First-time home buyers are often clueless about the process and how to correctly navigate the purchasing process with a mobile home. You have a lot to consider.
Not only do you want to find the mobile home of your dreams, but you also want to find an ideal mobile home park or mobile home community and achieve the most favorable mobile homes financing terms possible.
You also have other considerations, such as the pros and cons of a single-wide mobile home vs. a double-wide mobile home. Or should you consider building your mobile home as opposed to purchasing used mobile homes for sale.
No worries, all of these details will be covered.
With all the online distractions and companies simply trying to generate leads from individuals like yourself searching for a home or financing, we decided to step in and help you out.
We will make this discussion geared towards providing you everything you need to know about purchasing a mobile home.
We will cover the differences between purchasing a mobile home vs. a traditional home.
We will also discuss what you can expect and how to navigate the financing process, which will include details about loan types, interest rates, and credit scores.
Consider this your ultimate guide to purchasing a mobile home.
Let’s start with some basics before diving into the specifics and more complicated details.
First–Time Mobile Home Buyer
So, you have put in the time and saved up enough for a rainy-day fund and for your down payment to purchase a mobile home.
All that is left now is to find a mobile home to purchase and understand the process.
That is what we want to begin detailing in this discussion.
Let’s start by breaking down the fundamental difference between purchasing a mobile home and a traditional family home.
Mobile homes, compared to traditional mortgages, are relatively similar, for the most part.
In most situations, you will need a down payment and you will want to do some due diligence and research on your end to find the best loans for mobile homes.
Down payment amounts vary based on the lender and your credit score.
In most situations, a down payment will be around 10%-20%, although some financing options may require a minimal down payment or no down payment at all (more on this later).
Buying a mobile home has only become more accessible and streamlined in recent years. Especially with the trend of more individuals purchasing mobile homes and the amount of financing that has become available to individuals considering buying a mobile home.
However, before getting ahead of yourself, you need to understand your options and find your dream mobile home and mobile home community before worrying about financing stipulations or choosing a mobile home lender.
Let’s cover those details first.
Choosing a Mobile Home and Mobile Home Community
Finding your dream mobile home or mobile home community (also known as a mobile home park) is no different than finding your dream traditional single-family house.
Mobile homes now offer luxurious finishes and ample square footage. Some higher-end or upscale mobile home communities are even just as viable and well-put-together as any neighborhood you would purchase a traditional home in.
Using online websites to search for mobile homes in your area can be a great start (see: what is the best website to find a mobile home?). Or you can begin by looking at manufactured home builders (manufacturers) to get an idea of the cost and turnaround time it will take to get you in your dream mobile home. Learn more on how to buy a new manufactured home here.
Do Not Rush the Process; Find a Mobile Home that Meets All Your Needs and Desires
Finding a mobile home that will fit your budget and provide what you need for you and your family is not always an easy task.
Make sure the size is adequate. Look at other details, such as the interior finishes you desire and the yard space or additional amenities you want. It is better to treat purchasing a mobile home as you would buying a traditional one.
Do not rush the process; otherwise, you will find yourself 5-10 years down the road repeating the same process because you ultimately are unhappy with your initial purchase or did not think far enough into the future.
Once you have this part of the process nailed down and feel at ease with your decision, along with having what you want, it is time to start looking at the financing side of the purchase.
This part of the purchase can make or break the financials involved, and it is highly advised to research all options and secure the best financing for your mobile home, with the most beneficial rates.
Mobile Home Loans and Financing Options
When it comes to financing mobile homes, you will find that rates can be relatively similar to traditional mortgage rates, with some exceptions.
Most lenders will try to remain highly competitive to earn your business. The payments typically range based on your down payment and interest rate on loan; and, of course, the actual loan terms can be impacted by credit score, among other factors.
Mobile Lenders are Becoming More Flexible with Terms and Conditions for Financing
Many lenders today will be flexible with individuals that have lower credit scores when purchasing a mobile home.
The modular homes market is booming, so it is no surprise that lenders want to do everything possible to attract potential consumers to work with them during the purchasing process. So, bad credit does not automatically disqualify you from purchasing a mobile home.
However, your financing options may be limited because of other factors, such as debt-to-income ratio.
Let’s start with some of those details and then cover your specific loan options for a mobile home.
How Credit Scores Impact Loan Options and Interest Rates for Mobile Homes
Credit scores are always an impactful factor in the financing process for a mobile home.
Credit scores are directly correlated to the interest rates you are likely to be afforded by any financing option you choose (more on this shortly).
Suppose your credit score is low or considered a higher risk for the mobile home financing provider. In that case, your interest rates will be on the higher side.
Conversely, excellent credit scores will allow you to find the most beneficial mortgage programs with the friendliest interest rates; ultimately providing you with savings in the long run.
Down Payments for Mobile Homes
Now that you understand the impact credit scores can have on financing options for a mobile home, it is essential to understand some of the basics regarding down payments for mobile homes.
Down payments for mobile homes will be like some of the known stipulations consumers face when purchasing a traditional home.
Some programs and lenders may offer down payment assistance. However, most of the time, lenders will require at least 3% down. This means that if your purchase price for a single-wide mobile home was $100,000, you would be required to place at least $3,000 down at the time of purchase. This does not include other fees at the time, that could consist of items such as leased land or other fees tacked on by the mortgage company.
It is essential to weigh your options and do your research before choosing a lender. Some credit unions or financing offers may be more beneficial for your mobile home loan, given your specific circumstances.
Chattel Loans for Mobile Homes
Chattel loans are another option you can consider for financing a mobile home.
Chattel loans are loans specifically designed for manufactured homes or other moveable pieces of personal property. Other common uses for chattel loans include boats and machinery.
Chattel loans for manufactured homes are not always known to offer the best terms regarding interest rates, loan durations, or down payments required. Still, they can often be a viable option when traditional mortgage programs do not fit your needs.
FHA Loans for Modular Homes
FHA Loans is a government-backed loan program and is often thought of as one of the most popular mortgage programs to gain financing.
In recent years, the ability to gain FHA financing for a mobile home has become more accessible. If you check a few boxes, FHA loans are 100% possible for a mobile home.
First and foremost, to qualify for an FHA loan on a mobile home, the mobile home must be considered your primary residence. You also need to understand that FHA loans are offered in two primary types: Title I and Title II loans. See: Can you buy a mobile home with a FHA loan? for more details.
FHA loans can be highly desirable for mobile homes due to the terms you can get. FHA loans on mobiles can be offered for 20 years or more, which ultimately helps lower your overall monthly payment.
Additionally, many consumers like to lean towards FHA loans because of the lower fixed interest rates available, ultimately saving you money over the loan terms.
FHA loans do have some stipulations you need to understand when it comes to loan durations and what is required from the borrower when purchasing a lot vs. leasing a lot.
It is advised that if you are considering an FHA loan, do your research and work with a professional who can break down your options.
VA Loans Remain an Option
VA loans are another option for individuals purchasing a traditional family home.
When purchasing a mobile home, it gets a bit more challenging to use a VA loan as an option, but it is still possible.
VA loans require that the home is built and meets the HUD Code for mobile homes set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
You also must have the home permanently affixed to the foundation, and the home must have at least 700 square feet of interior floor space.
VA loans are a bit tricky, but they can be accomplished. This is another situation where it is best to work with a professional who can help you through the requirements needed to gain financing using a VA loan for a mobile home. For more details, see: Can you buy a mobile home with a VA loan?
A Conventional Loan is Not Typically an Option with Mobile Homes
Conventional loans for mobile homes are not typically possible because the structure needs to be considered real property to gain this type of financing.
Personal Loans as an Option to Purchase a Mobile Home
Personal loans could be an option for a mobile home, but it is typically not advised.
Compared to other financing options, personal loans will have the shortest terms and often won’t be able to provide the amount of cash needed to purchase a mobile home.
Personal loans will also carry the highest interest rates compared to other options we have covered thus far in the discussion.
The Takeaway: The Process Involves Work, but Purchasing a Mobile Home Has Never Been Easier
This discussion covered a great deal about the process of buying a mobile home and the options you will encounter. Every part of the discussion is essential to understand and important to consider. Overall, these are the two most crucial points:
● Money can be saved by securing the best financing
● Time and effort can be saved by finding your dream mobile home now instead of later
Purchasing a mobile home is exciting, but, after today’s discussion, there is a lot to consider and understand about the process.
Therefore, it is always imperative to work with a professional and take your time deciding which financing option is best.
Not only do you need to make sure you get the best financing for your mobile home, but you also want to make sure you purchase the mobile home you desire.
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2 years ago
Justin Becker ·
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If you are a mobile home owner, you must be looking for ways to add safety to your home. Mobile home skirting is an effective way to do this. It is something that a lot of people tend to ignore because they are unaware of its importance.
You can easily install mobile home skirting without breaking the bank. If you are one of those DIYers who love to do home renovation projects by themselves, you should learn how to install mobile home skirting. Even if you prefer to hire someone for installing mobile home skirting, it is wise to know the steps involved in the entire process.
Why Does Your Mobile Home Need Skirting?
Mobile home skirting is not something you can skip. The skirting panels help maintain mobile homes. These panels serve as a barrier that prevents heat or cold from directly affecting the temperature of the mobile home indoors. It keeps rain, snow, water, and animals from getting under your mobile home. Besides, skirting offers structural support too.
If your mobile home is missing skirting, you can learn how to eradicate that problem for good.
How to Install Mobile Home Skirting
If you have ever done a DIY roof coating installation, then installing the skirting will be a piece of cake for you. The process is far less complicated. With the help of complete skirting kits available at every home supply store, you can start right away.
Many components go into the process. If you have them all figured out, the job becomes easier and has a higher chance of success. Get ready to learn all you need to know about mobile home skirting by reading till the end of this post.
Best Skirting Materials
Choosing the right skirting material is the most important step of the entire process. While vinyl skirting is the most popular option, you still have plenty of other materials to consider. Depending on how much you want to elevate your mobile home living, you can find skirting options on any budget.
Vinyl is the most popular choice. It is a lightweight material that makes installing vinyl skirting an easy task. It is also a versatile option due to the numerous design options. If you prefer the look of brick skirting, faux panels are your best bet. You can find your favorite designs, such as wood, stone, and so much more, in a vinyl material. You will get the benefits, durability, and affordability of vinyl while enjoying the look of any material you think suits your mobile home’s aesthetic.
Plywood Skirting
Plywood skirting has a good reputation because of its looks. However, it is the quickest to bear damage during varying weather conditions. It cannot survive against water or humidity in the long run.
Cinder Block
Some people like to go for cinder block home skirting. While there is no doubt about the durability of this material, it is not a preferable option. Cinder blocks are extremely cheap, too. Yet, mobile home owners tend to steer clear of this heavy material.
Metal Skirting
Metal skirting is another affordable and durable option. If you are okay with the shiny look, it is an easy-to-install material. Metal does have a risk of rusting over the years. You also need to consider that one of the biggest chunks of your mobile home expenses goes toward utility bills. There are a lot of ways you can cut this cost down, one of which is opting for insulated skirting. This is where metal fails. Vinyl and wood are the top options if you aim to regulate indoor temperatures.
How to Install Mobile Home Skirting Yourself
The average cost of a mobile home is upwards of $100,000. There is a high chance that your dream mobile home hits the $200,000 mark. So, if you are searching for mobile homes for sale in Cedar Springs, MI on a budget, among the many tips to find a good manufactured home is to go for an incomplete one. The final touches, such as the installation of home skirting, can be done yourself at a minimal cost. Of course you could also find mobile homes for rent in a mobile home park in Cedar Springs, MI if you so choose.
You can add to your mobile home’s curb appeal without spending a fortune. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through this process!
Step 1: Measure the Perimeter
The first part of taking measurements is to ensure that your mobile home is on level ground. A slight angle can cause variations, which will end up messing up your entire skirting. To make sure that you are starting on a flat surface, use a plumb bob.
Next, using a measuring tape, measure the length of each side of your mobile home. Also, mark measurements with a chalk line so you know exactly where you plan on fixing the panels. Keep in mind that you have to add the lengths of all sides of the mobile home to get the perimeter.
Use Average Calculations
An easier way to do this is to use average calculations. For example, if you own a 16-foot wide mobile home that is 70 feet long, use these measurements. However, taking manual measurements is obviously going to be more accurate.
Step 2: Calculate the Average Height
Although you probably did not move your mobile home after the previous step, to be on the safer side, use the plumb bob once again before measuring the required height for the skirting.
Once again, bring out your handy measuring tape. Note down the length of the distance between the bottom edge of your mobile home and the ground. Measure this height around all four corners, as well as the center of the front and back edges. Add up all these six lengths, divide them by six, and you have the average height required for the skirting.
Step 3: Install the Bottom Rail
The bottom rail is what will serve as the foundation of your entire skirting, which is why this is the part where you need to be the most vigilant. The chalk line you marked earlier will help you a lot during this step.
Start with the corner pieces on the bottom rail. Align them perfectly with the chalk line before you nail them in place with the help of ground spikes.
Once you have installed all the corner pieces of the bottom rail, the next steps should become easier. All you have to do is adjust the remaining bottom rail panels in between, secure them in the ground with strong ground spikes, and your bottom rail is pretty much done.
Step 4: Fix the Top Rail
Although this is an easier part in terms of installation, this rail section must be secured properly to prevent any future risks of panels coming apart. While fixing the top rail, you need to bear in mind that some skirting materials expand and contract due to weather changes. You have to leave enough margin to allow these adjustments.
For this purpose, leave around half an inch of space from each corner. Also, don’t nail the top rail pieces too tightly since you may have to adjust them later.
Step 5: Time to Fix the Side Panels
It is now time to move on to the main part of the mobile home skirting. If you did not get pre-cut skirting panels, this is when you will have to cut them yourself. Make sure the length of each panel is the same. As for the height, it should match the measurement you calculated in Step 2. After this, you just have to slide the panels inside the rails.
An extra step you can take here is to create tabs on the edges of the skirting panels with the help of a snap lock punch tool. This will allow you to fix all skirting panels with one another. This is just an additional tip that helps secure the panels horizontally while the ground spikes offer vertical support.
Step 6: Adjust the Corner Pieces
Lastly, you have to finish off the skirting with the corner panels. Measure the distance between the edges of the side panels where you need a corner piece. Prepare your panel by cutting it exactly at this length. Bend the piece from the middle securely, making sure not to snap it in half. Slide it between the rails and you’re done!
Step 7: Final Touches
Now that you are done with the installation of the skirting, take a good look all around to double-check that every piece sits in place. It should look even and balanced. If any pieces are overlapping, use tin snips to trim the edges. If some pieces have extra space, you might have to reinstall a couple of panels. Other than that, you are basically finished with the job.
When You Should Hire Help to Install Mobile Home Skirting
As easy as it is to install mobile home skirting yourself, there is a slim chance that you are not a suitable candidate to do the job either well enough or safely. It is highly important to be able to figure out whether you need professional installation.
First of all, if you are not in a healthy state, physically or mentally, you should get help. Professional help is not important in this case. In fact, you can ask a friend or family member to come by to assist you.
Professional Installation
Professional installation is mandatory if you have previously failed at doing a similar task. Let’s say you installed the skirting yourself a few months back, but it seems to be coming apart by now. That means you couldn’t do a great job. Instead of wasting money and time, you should hire trained people to fix the mess for you.
There is also a possibility that while you have the skills required to finish a basic skirting job successfully, your mobile home’s condition does not allow you to. It may not be a smooth surface, so it will need a lot more prep work before the installation. Your choice of skirting material may not be ideal for a beginner to install safely.
The Takeaway
Though we highly recommend you save money wherever possible, hiring professional help to install the skirting correctly is something you should splurge on if required. It is one way to increase the value of your mobile home in the longer run. So, don’t risk messing up the job if you are not sure you can ace it.
The exact process and materials required for installing mobile home skirting will vary depending on your final choice of skirting material. You will need tin snips for metallic skirting, so keep this in mind before you start the process. It is best to have all materials and tools at hand for a smooth installation process.
Ultimately, you need to finalize the mobile home skirting based on your preferences. Remember that skirting is more than just the bottom edge of your mobile home’s exterior. This bottom edge will protect your mobile home from external damage, help cut down utility bills, and also add to the value of your mobile home.
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2 years ago
Justin Becker ·
Comments Off on 10 DIY Mobile Home Projects
Renting an apartment or house might give you a roof over your head, but it also forces you to conform to someone else’s rules. You probably won’t even be able to hammer in a nail without losing your security deposit, let alone take on a home remodeling project.
Mobile homes, on the other hand, give you all the freedom and flexibility of being a homeowner! You can do a whole mobile home makeover, invest in some mobile home remodels, and increase the energy-efficiency of your manufactured home.
Why Should We Remodel Our Manufactured Home or Mobile Home?
Along with being a cost-effective option, mobile homes are relatively easier to remodel than traditional housing options. Even a simple DIY project can enhance your living space. If you work on useful home remodeling ideas that make the mobile home more energy-efficient, your energy costs will also go down.
All of these home remodeling ideas can also work to increase the value of a mobile home. The exact benefit will vary depending on the extent of the DIY project or projects.
Why Try DIY Mobile Home Remodeling?
You don’t have to spend all your savings on a renovated mobile home. A professional might do things better, but a manufactured home is flexible enough to allow DIY upgrades that add both value and function.
However, it is recommended that an experienced DIY-er take on mobile home remodeling projects. Mobile home living requires making do with small living spaces. Even a small slip-up could make things very uncomfortable or bring down the value of the mobile home.
DIY Mobile Home
Are you ready to add value to your mobile home? Or perhaps, you just want to do something to make the mobile home look more inviting? In addition to some simple landscaping ideas for mobile homes, you can check out these home remodeling ideas right away:
1. Wrapping the Roof
Certain things about mobile home living are very different from a lifestyle in a traditional home (see: manufactured homes vs. stick-built). When it comes to home remodeling, for instance, you may want to consider roof wrapping first of all.
What is Roof Wrapping for Mobile Homes?
It sounds a bit unusual, but roof wrapping is not some flashy upgrade for a mobile home. However, it is a very beneficial one, especially when we compare it to the required efforts and costs.
Roof wrapping involves stretching a kind of rubber membrane over the mobile home roof. Another option is to paint on an elastomeric roof coating. Learn what is the best roof coating for mobile homes here.
These products will reflex back around 80% of harmful sun rays, which can significantly cut your cooling costs.
Another benefit of roof wrapping is that it protects the mobile home roof for around 10 years.
What is the Cost of Wrapping a Mobile Home Roof?
The total cost of mobile home roof wrapping should be around $1,000 to $2,000. Of course, the exact price will depend on the product you choose and the size of your mobile home, among other factors.
2. Re-Panel the Mobile Home Walls
Your mobile home walls might seem dingy, stained, damaged, or just not to your taste. In such cases, your next step should be to work on re-paneling the mobile home before moving on to smaller projects.
Why Should We Make Changes to Mobile Home Paneling?
A lot of older mobile homes, along with certain newer models, have very poor designs when it comes to wall paneling.
In the old days, a mobile home was likely to have wood paneling. This is now an outdated choice, especially since wood tends to warp.
Plus, the color choices back then were pretty dark. They bring down the whole look of a mobile home interior. Since they are so small, mobile home living spaces should look light, bright, and as airy as possible.
What Should We Do with the Old Paneling?
Fortunately, painting the wood panels is a great idea if they are not too damaged. You can also re-panel the mobile home; it is actually a pretty easy task. Wood paneling might be making a comeback, so consider a lighter shade and sleeker designs if you want to go that way.
Once you get the new panels, simply fix them over the old ones. If you have been wondering how to increase the value of a mobile home, this idea is one of the most cost-effective ones.
Other Options for Paneling in Mobile Home Living Spaces
Other materials for paneling your mobile home exterior or interior include:
- Drywall
- Vinyl
- Faux wood
- Stone
Take a little time and see which material or design will go best with your particular theme or vision. Paneling is a major part of home remodeling, so make absolutely sure that the end result will be to your taste.
If you are planning on selling a mobile home later on, play it safe and look at the designs and materials that are most popular for now.
If you are taking your walls apart any way, read up on how to super insulate a mobile home along the way.
3. Customize the Mobile Home Layout
If you want a truly customized look, try looking up how long it takes to build a mobile home and dictate your preferred layout. Having control from the very beginning can make your DIY mobile home projects much easier later on.
If you want, you can even go for computer-aided design (CAD) and customize more aspects of your mobile home.
Move the Walls Around
With certain limitations, you might even be able to remove, move, or add to the walls of your mobile home. It may seem drastic, but not as drastic as breaking down cement walls in a traditional home.
Do you want one of those trendy open-plan layouts for your mobile home? Or perhaps, you are working remotely and want to eke out a small home office from the current mobile home layout. With a few tweaks, this might be easily possible without breaking the bank.
The Danger of Removing or Moving Walls
Even if you own a regular house or apartment, you can’t start breaking down or shortening walls without a professional coming in. Many of these walls are load-bearing, so making a major change to them can risk the whole structure of your home.
Fortunately, this wouldn’t be an issue when you do the same in a mobile home. They have a unique feature of not relying too much on inner wall support. A DIY enthusiast will be making sure to take the safest steps possible; avoiding any damage to heating ducts, ventilation ducts, crown molding, etc.
4. Add or Replace Tiles
A tile replacing or addition project is usually affordable and simple enough to do by yourself. If you can tile regular homes, you can follow the same steps in a mobile home.
The two areas where tiles work best are the kitchen and the bathroom. Work on your budget first, and then pick out the tile type, color, and other factors. This tiling project will instantly enhance the look of these two important spaces in your mobile home.
For additional upgrades, you can consider replacing the shower heads and faucets after the new tiles are installed.
5. A Porch or Patio Addition
If you would like a safe place to sit outside and enjoy nature, adding a porch to your mobile home can be a great idea. It is fairly easy to construct your own porch; look up some plans for one that can stand by itself and not put too much pressure on the home.
Mobile home living does require you to follow certain rules and regulations. Make sure to check the HUD Code for mobile homes before constructing anything major.
A self-supporting structure probably won’t break any rules, but it will increase your home’s value and curb appeal. You will get more out of everyday mobile home living too, so it’s a win all around.
6. An Indoor Herb Garden
Mobile home living means that you figure out ways to enhance your lifestyle within small areas. One of the best methods for this is an indoor herbal garden.
Having plants growing inside your mobile home will brighten up the place and also provide convenient ingredients for home cooking. Having plants indoors may also benefit a person both emotionally and mentally.
7. Work on the Home Strength
You may want to upgrade the strength of your mobile home, especially if it is an old model. Many mobile home owners add more support slats to their home’s frame; this protects them from extreme weather.
See if your home is within the wind zone ratings for mobile homes in your area. If not, working on its strength might be a necessary DIY project that you should start immediately. Adding new doors, new windows, and new studs can extend the life expectancy of a mobile home. You may also want to think about adding more supports or replacing those with any sort of damage.
8. Spruce Up the Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of every home, especially a mobile home. With a few quick updates, you can make this room a delight to work in!
All it takes is replacing the cabinets or painting them a new color. Even if you just repaint the faded trim, it freshens up the whole look.
You may also consider upgrading your kitchen workflow by adding a counter, getting some chairs, or just putting in more shelving. This will help to make your mobile home living style a bit easier and smoother.
9. Install New Skirting
Skirting is a visible part of any mobile home, so you need to ensure that it stays presentable. If you notice any damage, faded spots, or stains on your mobile home skirting, it is time to replace it.
Make sure that you accurately measure the perimeter of your mobile home, as well as its height. There are several skirting styles and patterns available these days, so take your time and choose whatever seems best.
10. Add a Carport
On the face of it, adding a whole carport to a mobile home might seem like a huge undertaking. However, this can be a DIY project if you buy a mobile home carport kit. These come with instructions, so an experienced DIY enthusiast should be able to tackle the project.
Benefits of a Mobile Home Carport
One of the downsides of living in a mobile home include the lack of a garage. If you have a car, it is likely to get covered by snow or other forms of debris unless you have a functional carport. Plus, this addition will enhance the appearance and curb appeal of your mobile home.
The Takeaway
Working on your mobile home is an exciting and rewarding process. If you already have a mobile home and are ready to start upgrading, start today! Take a look at your mobile home walls, the mobile home exterior, and other areas. You will probably get a lot of ideas for enhancing your mobile home living style.
Start planning those mobile home remodeling projects now, and keep at it. The resulting manufactured home will be more comfortable, practical, and higher in value.
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2 years ago
Justin Becker ·
Comments Off on The Best Places for Rent in Cedar Springs, MI
Moving can be exciting, but it can also be stressful if you don’t know where or what to look for.
Sometimes you have a neighborhood you prefer, and sometimes you might be willing to search nearby neighborhoods and nearby zip codes to end up in the apartment or manufactured home you desire.
Sometimes it is tough to know if you should use a real estate brokerage firm, and if you do, which real estate brokerage firm should you choose?
The rest of this brief discussion will go over what we believe to be the best places to rent in Cedar Springs, MI.
We will cover not only which places are the best to rent in Cedar Springs, MI, but also go in-depth about what features the rentals offer and why we believe they deserve consideration.
Places for Rent in Cedar Springs, MI
Cedar Springs is a great city to consider renting. Not only does Cedar Springs, MI have what we believe to be the best place to consider renting, but the nearby neighborhoods and nearby zip codes also have very desirable units to consider renting.
Cedar Springs has a plethora of nearby amenities and reasons to move to the area. There is also no shortage of awesome things to do in Cedar Springs, Michigan.
Let’s start with our number one pick, Cedar Springs Mobile Estates.
Cedar Springs Mobile Estates
Cedar Springs Mobile Estates (CSME) is one of the top mobile home parks in Michigan. It doesn’t get much better than Cedar Springs Mobile Estates if you are looking for one of the best places to rent in the Cedar Springs, MI area.
Cedar Springs Mobile Estates features beautiful, mobile homes for rent in Cedar Springs, MI, along with mobile homes for sale in Cedar Springs, MI, in a community that can make you feel at home.
Cedar Springs is evolving more and more as a community consisting of growing families and a demographic of young professionals and retirees.
Cedar Springs Mobile Estates also places you in a prime location, only five minutes outside Rockford, Michigan, and a quick 20 minutes from Grand Rapids.
CSME is an excellent choice for those looking for a great place to rent that is also pet-friendly (see their mobile home park pet policy here).
Location: 400 Susan, Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Meadowcreek Apartments
Meadowcreek Apartments is another great option to consider if you are looking to rent in the Cedar Springs, MI area.
Meadowcreek Apartments can be an excellent fit for various renters because they offer 1-bedroom apartments, 2-bedroom apartments, and 3-bedroom apartments.
Meadowcreek is also ideally located only a few minutes from Grand Rapids, Rockford, Greenville, and Belmont.
This community is in a convenient area if you want to be close to other nearby attractions, such as the following:
- Cedar Springs Brewing Company
- The Kent Theater
- Cedar Springs Public Library
- Dozens of Great Cedar Springs Restaurants and Dining Options
When deciding where to rent your next living space, it is also essential to consider the amenities offered on the property.
Meadowcreek has several notable amenities that are worth consideration, including the following:
- Open Floor Plans
- Central Air
- Dishwashers
- On-Site Laundry Facility
- Window Coverings
- Pets Welcome (Does Require a $300.00 Non-Refundable Deposit)
Meadowcreek Apartments also offers an easy online application that can be completed in a few minutes.
When renting any unit, it is crucial to have all the necessary paperwork or information readily available. Learn how to qualify for an apartment here.
Meadowcreek Apartments currently needs the following when you apply for an apartment:
- Two Credit References
- Employer’s Name
- Gross Earnings
- Two Years of Residential History
- Character References
- 00 Application Fee Per Adult That Will Be Living In The Unit
- $750.00 Security Deposit
The rates for the 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and 3-bedroom apartments are unavailable online when visiting the Meadowcreek Apartments website. However, if you are interested in this property, you can call (616) 249-1682 to inquire more about the available units and the application process.
Location: 300 Oak St, Cedar Springs, MI 49319
Evergreen Townhomes
Evergreen Townhomes is the first option we are ranking on our list that falls just outside Cedar Springs in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Evergreen Townhomes is a beautiful modern property that features 52 units of boutique-style townhomes. The townhomes you can rent range from 2-bedrooms to 3-bedrooms units.
Additionally, Evergreen Townhomes feature high-end appliances, custom kitchens, and fireplaces.
This is a pet-friendly community, but additional deposits may be required at the time of application.
Evergreen Townhomes also allows virtual tours of each unit to give you an inside peek at the townhome before applying.
We also took the time to dig into some of the rates and square footage of the units currently available at Evergreen Townhomes.
Here is a quick breakdown as of (10/11/22):
- Juniper Unit – 1,051 Square Feet – 2-Bedroom/2-Bathroom- $2,145.00 Per Month
- Spruce Unit – 1518 Square Feet – 3 Bedroom/2.5 Bathroom- $2,595.00 Per Month
- Fir Unit – 1594 Square Feet – 3 Bedroom/ 2.5 Bathroom/ $2,485.00 Per Month
- Mahogany Unit – 1617 Square Feet – 3 Bedroom/ 2.5 Bathroom/ $2,695.00 Per Month
- Sequoia Unit – 1617 Square Feet – 3 Bedroom/2.5 Bathroom/ $2,695.00 Per Month
- Cypress Unit – 1594 Square Feet – 3 Bedroom/ 2.5 Bathrooms/ $2,695.00 Per Month
Clearly, Evergreen Townhomes has many great options for floor plans, but they do lean on the pricey side of the rent scale.
Depending on your situation, you may want to look at a smaller unit, or perhaps the larger units fit your budget.
Regardless, Grand Rapids is a great area to live in Michigan, and Evergreen Townhomes ranks as one of our best places you can choose to rent your next space.
Location: 3141 E Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Michigan Meadow Townhomes
Michigan Meadows is another excellent option offering rent or lease townhomes in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Michigan Meadows offers 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom townhomes, in addition to a good number of amenities, that include the following:
- Custom Kitchens
- High-Efficiency Appliances
- Large Storage Spaces
- Attached Garages
- Fireplaces
- Balcony
That is only scratching the surface of what you can get from Michigan Meadow Townhomes.
In addition to the amenities offered inside of the units themselves, you also have some nice perks to enjoy in the community and area, that include the following:
- Designated Green Space
- Public Transportation
- One Mile from Major Highways
- One Mile from Downtown
- One Mile from Restaurants, Bars, Major Venues and Major Shopping
Michigan Meadows features beautiful townhomes that offer custom finishes in an excellent location.
Lastly, suppose you are hesitant and need further social proof that these units and this property is for you. If that is the case, Michigan Meadows is backed by great reviews online. You can read other great testimonials as well by visiting their website.
Location: 2233 Michigan St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
The Grove
The Grove is the last area with fantastic rentals to make our cut.
The Grove is an apartment community located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and has a lot to offer to any potential renters.
This community takes pride in offering designer finishes and spacious open floor plans.
The Grove also features discounts of up to $1,000.00 on 13- or 15-month leases.
Other great features worth noting include the following:
- Fully Equipped Fitness Centers that is Open 24 Hours
- Yoga and Spin Studios On-Premises
- Heated Swimming Pool
- Courtyards
- Community Grilling Areas
- Billiards and Shuffleboard
- Coffee Bar
- Gated Community
Most of those great amenities listed above are only talking about the actual community.
You also need to consider the fantastic amenities the units themselves can offer, such as the following:
- Granite Countertops
- Stainless Steel Appliances
- Glass Top Ranges
- Backsplashes
- Walk-In Pantry
- Walk-In Closets
- Walk-In Showers
- Private Yards
- Detached Garages
- High-Speed Internet Included
- Pet-Friendly
Clearly, when you take a quick glance at all the amenities offered, it is easy to recognize this is one of the most expensive options we have decided to include in our list of top places to rent near Cedar Springs.
This is true.
However, this discussion was not meant to focus purely on price or amenities, but to discuss the combination of the two and bring the best value to the individual considering renting one of the properties we discussed.
While on the expensive side, we believe that The Grove still offers a ton for the price and presents a lot of value and upside to the renter, making it a viable option for anyone considering the Cedar Springs, MI area.
Location: 3240 Killian St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49525
The Takeaway: Cedar Springs Mobile Estates Takes the Crown, but You Have Options
We covered several properties and communities you can choose to call your next home.
While we believe Cedar Springs Mobile Estates is the best overall, options are certainly available in the Cedar Springs, MI area.
Whether you are looking for a budget-friendly rental or the most luxurious unit in the area, we believe one of our options listed above can meet the criteria.
Cedar Springs is an excellent area with a ton to offer. Whether you are looking for a place to rent near great dining or other attractions, Cedar Springs can offer it.
We wish you the best of luck with your search and hope you find your dream rental to call home.
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2 years ago
Justin Becker ·
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There are a lot of housing options out there; from traditional stick-built homes to apartments to mobile homes, and more. Even within these categories, you have a lot to choose from.
With traditional homes, one usually has a certain floor plan in mind. When it comes to manufactured housing, you have categories such as single–wide, double–wide, and even triple–wide mobile homes. Once you have found out what a manufactured home is, you might want to look into this option instead of a traditional home (see: manufactured homes vs. stick-built).
What Kind of Home is Best for Us?
The perfect home for anyone will depend on their own specific housing goals and needs. Whether you go for large mobile home communities, a small mobile home park, or something outside of the manufactured housing industry, there are many factors to consider before making a final decision.
If you are still confused about going for a mobile home or traditional home, ask yourself the following questions first:
- Is it important for me to have my own land?
- Is it better for me to pay rent in return for a concrete foundation or buy a manufactured home and compromise on space instead of looking for a personal property loan or mortgage loan?
More questions to ask
- How large a down payment can I afford right now?
- Will I be able to follow park rules?
- Is the atmosphere of a mobile home park the same as that of a trailer park? (see: is a manufactured home a trailer?)
With the lower median price of manufactured homes, any buyer will probably consider them instead of a stick-built house. Many mobile home parks will have several options in manufactured housing, with the most economical one being single-wide mobile homes.
Pros and Cons of a Single-Wide Mobile Home
Many people are now considering the benefits of buying a single-wide mobile home. Since these are a cost-effective alternative to stick-built homes, the attraction of having your own home is a major factor influencing this decision.
However, is mobile home ownership really so worthwhile? The average price of single–wide mobile homes can be quite tempting, but we need to consider all aspects of such a purchase.
Without further ado, let’s have a look at the ups and downs of having a single–wide mobile home.
Pros of a Single-Wide Mobile Home
1. Good for Those Who Want to Relocate
If you are looking for a mobile home that is relatively easier to move while relocating, a single-wide is the best choice. Regardless of their name, mobile homes are usually assembled on the building site or some leased land. After that, their foundation is pretty firm. They are not like a trailer or RV that can run on wheels.
Are mobile homes permanent?
Mobile homes do not have to be permanently fixed on one site, though. There could be various reasons why one wants to relocate their mobile home. They might want to move closer to work, their family, or their place of education.
If you really want it, it is possible to take the home up and place it on a semi-trailer. It can then go to its new destination.
A single-wide mobile home is easier to transport because the square footage is the smallest of all manufactured home options. While it will not be a very easy process, it is still easier to put a single-wide mobile home on a semi-trailer than a double-wide mobile home, or larger. Of course, moving traditional homes is out of the question. Learn more about how much it costs to move a mobile home here.
2. A More Affordable Option
If you are on a budget, but do not feel like letting go of the option to buy your own home, the truth is that a single-wide mobile home is one of the cheapest housing you can get. The mortgage on a traditional home could eat up a major chunk of your paycheck. Many folks spend their whole lives paying off their mortgages on a stick-built home. If you can avoid that and make do with a single-wide mobile home, it will be a great relief to your mind and your pocket. Find some of the best used single-wide mobile homes for sale here.
3. A Quick Setup and Construction Experience
When you do get your single-wide home to the desired site, the setup and construction will start. Fortunately, you will not have to wait too long for your home to take form. With the smaller size of these homes and their pre-assembled parts, the final result should be ready in a matter of months. This makes single-wide mobile homes an ideal choice for those who are planning to build their house as soon as possible.
Manufacturing the parts
The parts of the mobile home that are made in the factory are complete in a matter of days! From the second the home order is put into the move-in date, the time period should be around four months. Thus, you would not have to wait for longer.
Since a mobile home does not fall under the category of real property, it is not subject to steep real estate taxes either. This will save you a lot of money in the long run.
4. A Small Carbon Footprint
Many people are now living off the grid in tiny homes, all in a bid to reduce their carbon footprint and give back to the earth (see: tiny house vs. mobile home). This kind of lifestyle is accessible with housing options such as single-wide homes, especially when you put in Energy Star-certified products and other energy-saving appliances. At the end of the day, you will also be able to save money. Thus, it results in a win-win situation.
Cons of a Single-Wide Mobile Home
We have covered many advantages of a single-wide mobile home; now let’s check out the possible downsides:
1. Very Small Sizes and Limited Spaces
Single-wide mobile homes might be cost-effective, but that is mainly because they are also much smaller than double-wide or triple-wide mobile homes. Some double-wide mobile homes might even be more than twice as large as single-wide models in the same manufactured home communities. Here is a quick comparison of the two (naturally, triple-wide manufactured homes will be even larger):
- While single–wide manufactured homes range from 500 to 1,200 square feet on average, double-wide manufactured homes can go from 1,000 to 2,000 square feet
- The length of single-wides is usually from 66 to 80 feet, while double-wides can be up to 90 feet long
- Single-wides are usually narrow, long, and not very versatile (though there can be some choices in floor plans in order to make use of every square foot), while double-wides are usually spacious with several choices for floor plans
2. No Savings in Setup Costs or Maintenance
While you will compromise a lot in terms of size, space, and versatility when buying a single-wide, the expected living costs will probably remain the same as a double-wide.
The setup costs and maintenance costs are among the most major ones to consider when buying a mobile home. Whether you get a single-wide or a double-wide, these costs usually remain the same even with the larger option.
The double-wide has the advantage of accommodating whole families of various sizes. The overall price typically will be higher due to more land requirement, though.
3. A Lower Resale Value
A single-wide mobile home may cost less than other manufactured housing options, and far less than a stick-built home, but these savings translate into a low resale value as well. The resale value of any home is based on its estimated future worth. The consideration and age of the house will cause its resale value to deteriorate. This deterioration is especially quick in single-wide homes, where the resale value is 30% to 50% less than a double-wide. Learn how to increase the value of a mobile home here.
Harder reselling experience
In addition to losing out when you sell your single-wide home, you can also expect more difficulty at that moment. It takes a certain kind of person or group to require a small housing option like a single-wide. You may have to search long and hard before finding someone who will buy this tiny home at a reasonable price. However, it would not be an issue if you have already found someone who is willing to purchase your property.
4. Limited Potential for Alterations and Designs
If you are in search of single-wide homes with energy-efficient systems, on-demand water heaters, and other features, you may have to look for a long time. Any single-wide that does not have your desired amenities will not easily allow for alterations either. Learn how to make a mobile home more energy-efficient here.
You can speed up the process by following these tips on searching for mobile homes for sale. While some installations and upgrades are always possible, it will be hard to change the existing system of that limited space.
5. Not ‘Real Property’
Despite its name, a mobile home simply does not hold the same status as a stick-built home. It is considered personal property rather than real estate. This means that it will not be of much use as a long-term investment.
The value of the mobile home will go down, even if it is equipped with upgrades such as energy-efficient lighting and energy star certified appliances. However, it is still a great option for those who do not plan to sell it off in the future.
Who Should Go for a Single-Wide Mobile Home?
Here is a list of some people who might be happier with a single-wide mobile home:
- Those who want to relocate in the future or plan to do so on a regular basis
- Those who have a limited budget
- Those who can manage with a relatively smaller square footage
- Single individuals, couples without kids, or two roommates who don’t mind each other
- Anyone who is open to completely remodeling the mobile home and make it more versatile
- People who want to live in as small a place as possible so as to reduce their carbon footprint and live as close to nature as they can
A Customizable Option
You also have the option to oversee the making of your own customized mobile home. If you want to ensure that every corner of your single-wide mobile home is built according to your preferences, you can use your construction skills while supervising the design. However, it is always preferable to consult a professional in the field. Read up on how long it takes to build a mobile home for a better idea of what it takes to get this housing option.
The Takeaway
At the end of the day, there are many advantages and disadvantages of modern manufactured homes in general. We have to keep all of these in mind when buying a mobile home, especially when it is a single-wide manufactured home. Take a good look at the reasons why you are considering a home like this, and then move forward.
You may have to pay less for mobile homes as compared to a traditional home, but they are not considered real property. Before you make any decisions, be sure to read up on whether a mobile home is a good investment or not. The demand for single and double-wide mobile homes for sale in the U.S. is increasing now, though. So, make sure to take action as soon as possible!
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2 years ago
Justin Becker ·
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With housing prices shooting up all over the nation, it is no surprise that many folks are now looking at alternatives, such as manufactured homes and mobile home communities. Along with having a range of floor plans to choose from, there are several perks involved when you live in mobile homes.
Advantages of Living in a Mobile Home
If you are currently on the lookout for a new place to live, you are probably wondering whether a mobile home is a good investment. Here are just a few advantages people enjoy when they go for mobile homes or manufactured homes:
A Decent Square Footage
While a mobile home may not be as spacious as a regular apartment or house, a double-wide home comes very close. In fact, some double-wide homes might even have more or the same square footage as most units in apartment complexes today.
Even double-wides give you a lot of value for your money. So, it is a good investment for the long run too.
Part of a Community
Most people who live in mobile homes are usually situated within a mobile home community somewhere. If the people and management there are decent enough, this could mean a lot of positive vibes. It is nice to have neighbors who are friendly and welcoming. If you have just started looking for a place to live, it might be a good idea to buy a mobile home in a park.
Keep in mind that mobile homes and manufactured homes are the same thing – they are structures that were mostly manufactured in factories and assembled or put on a certain site. You can also check out what a manufactured home is before proceeding.
What is a Double-Wide Mobile Home?

Before you make any final decisions, it might be useful to clear up just what a double–wide manufactured home or double–wide trailer means. Simply put, a double–wide mobile or manufactured home is a sort of pre–fabricated structure with factory–manufactured parts assembled on site.
1. A Larger Size
As the name suggests, a double-wide manufactured home is around twice the width of a single-wide mobile home. For most models in the U.S., a double-wide mobile home is just below 90 feet in length. The width is around 20 feet or more for a double-wide home. If you are looking for a spacious home within budget, a double-wide mobile home can be the right choice.
2. Method of Delivery and Ease of Transport
Another difference between single and double-wides is that single-wide mobile homes usually get to their intended site in one unit. This unit is pre-fabricated in a factory. On the other hand, double-wide mobile homes usually get to the site in two pieces. These pieces are then assembled on the site.
The term ‘mobile homes’ is actually a bit misleading. Whether we are talking about single-wides or double-wides, both kinds of homes are pretty much fixed once they get to the site.
The smaller size of single-wide manufactured homes can make them easier to move around if absolutely required. A fully-assembled double-wide home, however, is way too large to safely transport anywhere else, especially without the use of professionals. Find out how much it costs to move a mobile home here.
3. A Lot More Space
One of the main reasons why someone might choose to live in a double-wide is because these offer a lot of space. Having enough space to move around easily is a priority for many people. If they can get a double-wide mobile home and pay rent to the property owner, this can be a great bargain. Learn how to maximize space in a mobile home here.
Lots of Bedrooms and Bathrooms
With so much space, it should be no surprise that many double-wides have several bedrooms and bathrooms as well. These make them ideal choices for large families, especially as we may also expect a proper living area, kitchen, storage space, etc.
Of course, the large spaces and additional facilities translate into higher prices. However, you may be surprised when you look at how much mobile homes cost in your area. Double-wide homes might be out of your budget a little, but learn more about single and double-wide mobile homes for sale here.
4. Several Floor Plans
If you are on the lookout for a double-wide mobile or manufactured home, make sure to check out their floor plans. The plans might vary from one model to another. You may also ask about customizing a manufactured home to suit your routine.
5. Contents and Layouts
We should not think that double-wide mobile homes are simply two single-wides connected to each other. In most double-wide models, the two sections of the home are very different in their layouts. Their contents are also different.
Various Rooms
In double-wide homes, one side might contain the kitchen, a couple of bathrooms, and one bedroom. The other side will have the rest of the bedrooms and bathrooms with a living room. In some double-wide homes, you might even have a sort of porch attached to one side.
6. Not Every Expansion is a Double-Wide
Double-wide homes are not the only models that expand upon the single-wide home. In some mobile home parks and communities, there might even be the option of getting a triple-wide mobile home. These are for people who want even more space than double-wide homes can offer.
In certain situations, there might even be four or more sections connected to make a huge mobile home. However, anything bigger than a double-wide is usually quite rare. If you want one of these, you may have to put in a customized order to get a triple-wide or larger mobile home.
Who Should Invest in a Double-Wide?
Before choosing double-wide and moving in, we have to consider what kind of people actually use this type of home. Many people in the U.S. are still wary about living in a trailer or mobile home. Even though mobile homes are increasing in popularity year over year, like it or not, there is an undeniable stigma that still surrounds mobile and manufactured homes. Still, there are some people that make the most logical decision and choose the best housing for their requirements.

Becoming More Acceptable
The good news is that mobile home living and trailer living is now slowly becoming more common. Some folks might still be in the mindset of getting one’s own traditional house and settling down, but many are now open to the idea of living in a manufactured home (see: manufactured homes vs. stick-built).
An Increasingly Popular Choice
Along with the acceptance, double-wide and single-wide mobile homes are now becoming more popular with the American population. A double-wide can really suit groups such as first-time home buyers, college graduates, empty nesters, couples, groups of friends, growing families, and even someone who wants a second home.
The Best of Both Worlds
It might seem cliché to say that double-wide mobile homes are the best of both worlds, but these words really apply in such cases. A double-wide would not cost as much as an apartment, even if the latter is small and cramped (see: mobile home vs. apartment). You save a lot on rent when you purchase the mobile home – the monthly payments actually work to pay off something for you. All-in-all, many folks will agree that it is much better than paying monthly rent and still being no closer to having their own place.
Saving Money
With the money saved from getting a double-wide rather than a traditional house, one can invest in a nice home decor for the mobile home. Since most double-wide homes range from 1,000 to 2,400 square feet, it will take some investment and effort to decorate it all properly.
Check Out All Floor Plans at Once
Even the people who need double-wide mobile homes can vary in their requirements. For instance, some people don’t have an issue with sharing a bathroom. They might be content with a layout having just one or two bathrooms. On the other hand, some people might want one bathroom each for every family member. If you know what kind of layout you want, browsing online can be your best friend. Learn what is the best website to find a mobile home here.
A Better Lifestyle
Living in modular and manufactured homes might be acceptable, but having a double-wide manufactured home takes things up a notch. If you are considering the option of mobile homes, do consider the option of double-wides if at all possible. Along with more living space, you may expect more facilities and a more luxurious lifestyle than in a regular manufactured home.
The mobile home managing communities in your desired area will probably have a few double-wide manufactured homes available. It can be a wise decision to check those out soon.
The Takeaway
Double-wide manufactured homes or mobile homes can offer a lot to both individuals and families. With double-wide mobile homes, you get a lot of living space and versatile floor plans for a decent number of people. Whether you earn a living through your own blogs or have a flourishing startup, a double-wide mobile home can provide enough space for all kinds of activities.
Of course, the advantages of a manufactured home are not lost for the many people looking for a place to live these days. If you are one of them, it is time to hustle and check out the mobile home in your desired area right away!
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2 years ago
Justin Becker ·
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When you begin the process of searching for a mobile home, a lot of factors need to be considered. Perhaps you don’t know if you want a single-wide or double-wide mobile home.
Maybe you are not sure if you want to look at used mobile homes for sale or if you would prefer to buy a new manufactured home.
Manufactured homes have grown in popularity, making more options available. The goal is clearly to find your dream home.
This guide is going to help give you a few tips that can help you search for manufactured homes for sale and ultimately find the mobile home you desire.
We will cover several tips that will aid you and the real estate professionals you choose to work with when searching for your manufactured homes.
Let’s kick it off with some of the first tips.
Search Mobile Homes for Sale
The tips we will discuss below are not listed in any order. We believe the information we discuss below ultimately makes searching for mobile homes much more effortless and prepares you for purchasing.
Understand the Cost and Your Budget
Before you search for a mobile home, or homes for sale in general, it is essential to understand how much a mobile home costs and the price point you are trying to land within. This will allow you to understand what features you may be looking for in a mobile home.
This can include layouts, the mobile home manufacturer you choose, and what kind of interior features you choose for a mobile home. Checkout our list of the top manufactured home dealers in Michigan here.
This could even impact the area or community you desire to live in due to some areas simply costing more than others.
Not to mention, staying within your budget will help you understand which manufactured home lenders might make the most sense for you during the research phase.
Overall, understanding your budget and doing as much legwork and research ahead of time will give you the best chance at finding the mobile home you ultimately want to purchase.
Of course, implementing this tip will avoid costly surprises arising during the process.
Leverage the Internet
Searching homes for sale has never been more accessible, and locating mobile homes for sale is equally as streamlined. When you search for homes for sale, most websites that aggregate data will also allow you to filter down to mobile homes for sale. Learn what is the best website to find a mobile home here.
Using this to your advantage can dramatically streamline the mobile home search and reduce interaction with real estate professionals until you are further into your journey and understand more about what you are looking for.
You can even narrow down further when searching for mobile homes by using filters, such as the total amount of bedrooms or square footage that you desire to purchase.
Even popular websites like Zillow offer this capability.
Use this feature to begin the initial search. When you are closer to feeling comfortable with a purchase, you can start contacting a real estate agent and diving deeper into the process of buying a mobile home.
Check Out Local Mobile Home Parks and Communities
Another tip you can implement is physically checking out local manufactured homes communities.
For example, in Cedar Springs, we operate Cedar Springs Mobile Estates, which is a mobile home community.
If you are looking for a mobile home in this area, physically come drive to Cedar Springs Mobile Estates and check out our mobile homes for sale in Cedar Springs, MI in-person.
The same can be said about any other mobile homes for sale. Take the time to physically check out the location and the mobile homes in the community.
See if the mobile homes in the community are up to par with what you are looking for and see if any homes are available in the mobile home park you desire.
If you are not sure which mobile home parks are in your area, try searching using Google Maps.
For example, type into Google Maps “Grand Rapids mobile home parks.”
This will allow you to see all the mobile home communities in the area and give you directions to go check them out for yourself. Checkout our top 10 mobile home parks in Michigan here.
Consider a Mobile Home Manufacturer
Another tip we highly recommend is to research and plan which mobile home manufacturer you will work with in case you plan to build a mobile home instead of finding a used mobile home for sale.
Manufacturers are going to have different price points and different options available. Ultimately, some manufacturers just will not be as good as other options you could choose.
Be sure that before signing anything, placing any money down on a mobile home, or locking into any commitment, you feel 100% comfortable with the mobile home manufacturer, and even the mobile home lender, you will work with.
When purchasing something as significant as a mobile home, peace of mind pays big dividends.
Do Not Settle for Less
The last thing you want to do when purchasing a mobile home is settling for less than what will ultimately make you happy.
Do not take less if you have features you desperately need or want to see present in the mobile home.
If you have specific features you want to see in a mobile home community, don’t settle for a mobile home community that will not make you happy with your purchase.
Ultimately, all this will do is put you in a situation where you are constantly thinking about what you want and regretting your purchase because it is something that does not have exactly what you were looking for.
If you know the size you need and desire, relay this to your real estate professional or do enough research and planning to find it on your own.
If you have an area that is preferable over another, be sure to search in that area and eliminate purchasing somewhere that ultimately will leave you wanting to purchase a new mobile home in the near future.
Mobile homes are significant purchases, much like a traditional home. Now is not the time to rush the process or get anything that does not equate to your dream home.
The Takeaway
There is certainly pros and cons of manufactured homes.
If you do not rush the process and take the time to do some homework and due diligence during the purchasing phase, it is 100% possible to find your dream mobile home.
Leverage the ease and speed of the internet to search for available mobile homes near you.
Once you get a clearer picture of what you prefer to spend on a mobile home and start understanding what the process looks like, along with knowing what features you want to see in a mobile home, is when you can take the next steps of securing the funds needed for purchase. Learn how to finance a mobile home here.
Of course, connecting with your real estate professional can help, too.
Lastly, for those looking for manufactured homes in the Cedar Springs or Grand Rapids area, be sure to check out the available manufactured homes we offer by visiting our website here.
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2 years ago
Justin Becker ·
Comments Off on The Top Manufactured Home Lenders in Michigan
Purchasing a mobile home can be exciting, but it does not come without some challenges. One of those challenges you will face during the process is securing funds for your mobile home. This is also known as the loan and financing process.
Many consumers won’t understand which potential mobile home loans would be the best or how to find the best deals with low down payments and interest rates.
This can all seem daunting for consumers who may not have the best credit or have never gone through the process of buying a mobile home.
The rest of this guide will be geared toward those interested in purchasing a modular home in Michigan or looking for mobile home financing.
We will cover the ins and outs of how to finance a mobile home, how to navigate the best terms, and which providers will suit you best if you have a credit score that is not quite up to par (learn what credit score is needed to buy a mobile home here).
Let’s start by explaining what mobile home financing looks like and break down some basics.
Manufactured Home Lenders in Michigan
When it comes to mobile home loans, a lot of factors need to be considered. Mobile home financing is similar in some ways to financing for a traditional home.
Much like traditional homes, you will find dozens of different manufactured home loan providers as options.
You have some essentials to consider, such as which lenders will offer you the most advantageous rates and perhaps not require a high credit score or large down payments.
While low down payments are ideal, and being able to qualify with lower credit is also beneficial, overall, you should be looking for a mobile home loan provider that offers the best overall package and a mobile home loan provider that is well-trusted and well-known in the industry.
You also need to understand that because mobile homes can be moved, some of the standard processes for securing financing will differ compared to traditional property (learn how much it costs to move a mobile home here).
The rates may be higher compared to a traditional home, especially without some due diligence during the research phase.
You can, however, typically secure mobile home financing more efficiently than traditional homes, allowing lower credit ratings to get approved for loans.
Now, let’s dive into what we believe are the best mobile lenders to finance manufactured homes.
Best Mobile Home Loan Providers to Consider
When reviewing potential mobile home loan providers, we focused on a few things that allowed us to place them on our list.
We wanted to look at mobile home financing programs that offered flexible payment lengths, low-interest rates, and providers deemed trusted and easy to work with.
The Best Mobile Home Financing Options
In 2022, local options for financing are not the only options you have for refinancing, and they are not necessarily the best options. Hence, why we did not use local Michigan mobile home loan providers for our list.
Sometimes, you can find the most ideal total package for financing for a mobile home by looking at Nationwide providers that run primarily digitally (online). You may also be searching for financing if you intend on building a new manufactured home (learn how long it takes to build a mobile home here).
Whether you are looking to finance single-wide mobile homes or double-wide manufactured homes, you have some great options that operate on a Nationwide scale that we wanted to detail below:
1.) Manufactured Nationwide Home Loans
Manufactured Nationwide Home Loans began as a financing option for traditional homes, but now offer great financing options for mobile homes.
Manufactured Nationwide Home Loans is a division of Magnolia Bank and offers financing in all 50 states.
What We Like the Most
Manufactured Nationwide Home Loans is a great option for borrowers with fair credit. It offers loans that require lower down payments.
Manufactured Nationwide Home Loans also offers flexible terms for repayment on your loan and offers very competitive rates that are fixed for the duration of the loan.
The Downfalls
The biggest drawback of choosing Manufactured Nationwide Home Loans is that you can’t finance through them if you rent land, or if your mobile homes are in mobile home parks.
Additionally, it has been noted that Manufactured Nationwide Home Loans has a rather lengthy closing process. Depending on how long of a timeframe you have to work with, a lengthy process may not be ideal.
Outside of these factors, it is an option to consider if you don’t have excellent credit and need the opportunity for a lower down payment.
2.) 21st Mortgage Corporation
21st Mortgage is another excellent option that is available for mobile home financing. 21st Mortgage Corporation is available in 45 states and has no prepayment penalties.
21st Mortgage Corporation was founded back in 1995 in Tennessee. To date, 21st Mortgage Corporation employs more than 800 individuals. It is one of the premier lenders for mobile home financing for individuals with poor credit.
21st Mortgage Corporation also gets excellent reviews on its fixed-rate loans offered for manufactured homes. It has minimal restrictions regarding where the mobile home is located and if the land is rented or owned.
Currently, 21st Mortgage Corporation does have minimum loan amounts of $22,000 for person-to-person lending and a $14,000 minimum if you purchase your mobile home through a retailer.
What We Like the Most
21st Mortgage Corporation is an excellent option for financing a mobile home, especially if you want to finance a used mobile home.
21st Mortgage Corporation also makes mobile home financing available to individuals with fair to poor credit ratings, opening the door to more consumers.
We also love that 21st Mortgage Corporation is available in 45 states.
The Downfalls
On the flip side, 21st Mortgage Corporation is unavailable to Alaska, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Rhode Island residents.
21st Mortgage Corporation is also known to have higher interest rates on mobile home lending, but this is a common trade-off you will see when you have a lender that will accept lower credit scores.
21st Mortgage Corporation is also dinged due to not allowing pre-qualification online for consumers, which can make the process a little more difficult for first-time buyers who are not experienced with the financing process for modular homes.
Another downfall with 21st Mortgage Corporation is the wide range of potential down payment requirements from borrowers based on their credit rating. You could be looking at needing up to 35% of the purchase price for your down payment if you are a consumer with a credit rating below 570.
3.) E Lend
E Lend is one of the best financing options for mobile homes for individuals with little to no cash on hand for down payment or closing costs.
E Lend uses government-backed loan programs that help keep interest rates friendly for mobile home financing and offers a DPA program and additional supplements to further reduce the amount of down payment borrowers require.
What We Like the Most
E Lend seems to be one of the clear-cut best options to secure financing for a mobile home for buyers with a small rainy-day fund and little cash to use for down payment purposes.
E Lend will allow up to 100% financing towards a mobile home with decent interest rates and utilizes a convenient online portal to help you through the process while enjoying the comfort of your own home.
The Downfalls
On the other hand, we don’t like that E Lend has geo-restrictions for lending that are not currently specified. E Lend also has a mixed batch of reviews that range from excellent to sub-par experiences using the platform.
The Takeaway
The price of a mobile home is not cheap, and it is important to work with a lender you trust when purchasing your first manufactured home.
Ultimately, the goal is to find manufactured home financing that will benefit you financially and give you peace of mind. A mobile home loan is not necessarily tricky to navigate once you know where and what to look for.
Mobile homes are growing in popularity. You certainly have plenty of financing avenues between local options and a national housing lender.
Secure mobile home financing with any of the options we provided above and begin the journey of moving into your new home.
Of course, if you are considering moving to the Cedar Springs, Michigan area, be sure to check out the mobile homes for sale in Cedar Springs, MI that we offer at Cedar Springs Mobile Estates.
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3 years ago
Justin Becker ·
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When you purchase a mobile home, it is essential to understand some basics. When you buy a manufactured home, the opportunity or idea of selling it in the future may arise.
A HUD plate and the HUD tag are essential pieces of information that will be required to sell or purchase a manufactured home in the future or to even purchase a manufactured home today.
You can not get financing without the information contained on these items, so it is essential to have a decent understanding of each.
Ever since 1976, manufactured homes are required to contain a HUD tag and a HUD plate per the HUD Code for mobile homes.
We will discuss both in this guide.
We will detail what a HUD data plate is, what information it contains, where to locate the HUD tag, and the importance of the HUD data plate and HUD tag in general.
By the end of the discussion, you should understand the information on the HUD data plate and HUD label, along with the importance of each.
We will also cover other important specifics, such as how to replace missing HUD tags and data plates.
Let’s jump into those details now.
What is a HUD Data Plate?
When purchasing a mobile home, several pieces of crucial information, like buying a traditional home, will be necessary and required, and most of them are contained on the HUD data plate and HUD label/tag.
While we plan to focus on the HUD data plate and the HUD tags/labels, you should understand that the following pieces of information are also vital to the financing, purchasing, or selling process of a manufactured home:
● Serial Number
● Title
● VIN number
● Certification Number
For the sake of this discussion, we will be focusing on only the HUD tag and the HUD data plate. Still, the other items listed above may be briefly referenced during our discussion and breakdown.
The HUD plate is a paper label affixed inside of the manufactured home.
The paper is a standard–size piece of paper (8.5 inches by 11 inches).
It can be found inside the kitchen cabinets, the bedroom closet, or the electrical panel on the manufactured home.
Other potential locations for the HUD data plate include:
- Inside the water heater closet
- Inside of a bathroom cabinet door
The HUD data plate contains maps of the United States that are designed to inform the owner of wind zone ratings for mobile homes, along with the snow load and roof load zone of the manufactured home.
Furthermore, the HUD data plate will contain other important pieces of information, such as the following:
- Name and address of the manufacturing plant where the manufactured home was built/manufactured
- Manufactured home serial number and model designation of the unit
- The date the manufactured home was built
Additionally, you will find the following statement on the HUD data plate:
This manufactured home is designed to comply with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards in force at the time of manufacture. This manufactured home has been substantially completed in accordance with an approved design and has been inspected (except for the components specifically identified in the instructions for completion on–site) in accordance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards and the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in effect on the date of manufacture.
You will also find a list of all major factory-installed equipment, and the certification label or number affixed to each transportable manufactured section.
Now that we know the basics about the HUD data plate, let’s discuss the HUD label/HUD tag on a manufactured home.
How Do You Identify a HUD Label?
The HUD label or tag is a thick aluminum plate.
The HUD tag measures two inches by four inches. The HUD tag is made of metal, and each exterior section of a mobile home will typically contain the HUD tag.
Put simply, you will have two HUD tags on double-wide manufactured homes. On single-wide mobile homes, you will have one HUD tag.
Most commonly, you will be able to locate the HUD tag near the rear of the manufactured home, roughly one foot from the side and one foot from the bottom.
Every HUD label/tag on manufactured homes will have one paragraph that reads:
The manufacturer certifies to the best of the manufacturer’s knowledge and belief that this manufactured home has been inspected per the Department of Housing and Urban Development requirements and is constructed in conformance with the federal manufactured home construction and safety standards in effect on the date of manufacture. See data plate.
The tag details the unique identifying number of the manufactured home that is different from every other manufactured home, also known as the certification label number.
Additionally, the label will include other identifiers required by the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Law.
This also includes:
First Three Letters: The first three letters identify the primary production inspection agency.
Now that you have a rough idea of what a HUD tag contains and where it is located on a manufactured home, let’s discuss what steps you should take and what the best approach is if you are struggling to locate your HUD label and data plate.
What if I Can’t Find My HUD Label or Data Plate?
Not being able to locate or find your HUD label or HUD data plate can present you with a problem. Especially if you are planning to sell your manufactured home or even if you are the potential buyer of a manufactured home.
Here is where to begin if you are in this situation.
First, you will need a label certification in case of a missing HUD label or HUD data plate.
In this situation, the individual needing said information should request and obtain the previous financing paperwork for the manufactured home from the previously documented lending institution.
HUD, through the IBTS label department, may also be able to provide a letter certifying the specific HUD tags that previously were attached to the manufactured home.
For all other inquiries that are related to purchasing or selling a manufactured home with missing HUD label/tags, you would want to go contact IBTS label department. In addition to assisting with expediting label verifications, they may be able to help with other inquiries about the manufactured home.
Another option for missing data plates is to contact the IPIA (In-Plant Inspection Agency of the Manufactured Home Manufacturer).
According to HUD.gov, The IPIA is a third-party inspection agency that works with the department to inspect manufactured homes during the manufacturing process to ensure that the manufacturer meets the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards.
The Takeaway: HUD Tags and Data Plates are Essential
The HUD data plates and the HUD tags are critical for the certification process with manufactured homes.
HUD data plates and HUD tags/labels ensure that manufactured homes are built in accordance with all HUD standards; ultimately ensuring your safety and the proper construction of manufactured homes.
HUD data plates and HUD tags are also essential if you plan to sell your manufactured home in the future.
It is critical to ensure you keep these unique identifiers on your manufactured home throughout your lifetime of living in the house.
Obtaining loans for mobile homes is not possible without this essential information.
While it is possible to get replacement tags, it is a hassle that would be better to avoid.
Be sure that when you are going through the process of buying a manufactured home, you verify all this information is present and easily identifiable.
Also, throughout the time you are living in your manufactured home, be mindful of this information and always keep it affixed to your home to make the process easy for all parties involved in a potential sale in the future.
If you are looking to move to the Cedar Springs, Michigan area, be sure to check out our availability of mobile homes for sale by visiting Cedar Springs Mobile Estates.
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3 years ago
Justin Becker ·
Comments Off on The Top Nail Salons in Cedar Springs, MI
Having some good nail salons near your home is a great convenience. At times, you simply need a professional to do your nails in just the right way. Nail salons are also a place where one can relax, unwind, and gossip a bit whenever they feel like it. They are great spots for catching up with friends, some quality mother-daughter time, and several other activities. If nothing else, the process of nail art is satisfying and calming to watch.
Nail Salons
There are some things that everyone in Cedar Springs, MI knows to be true. Among these is the fact that nail salons are fairly accessible to any resident or guest. There is no need to go all the way to Grand Rapids to get your nails done, although that area may have more options.
Nail Salons in Cedar Springs, MI
Finding a good nail salon might be a challenge no matter where you live. If you are new to Cedar Springs or don’t have an idea of the nail salons here, you are in the right place. Read on to find out about the best nail salons in Cedar Springs, MI and what they have to offer:
1. D & J Nail Salon
Also sometimes called DJ Nails, this salon is one of the best-known places in Cedar Springs MI. Its exact location is at 37 N Main, Cedar Springs, MI 49319. It has a wheelchair-accessible parking lot, which is not something you see in most nail salons.
A Good Place for Manicure and Pedicure
Overall, DJ Nails seems to be among the best nail salons in Cedar Springs right now. It is one of the first places that Cedar Springs residents think of when they want a relaxing manicure or pedicure.
Why Go Here?
According to the reviews about DJ Nails, this is one of the top places to get a manicure, pedicure, or any other type of nail care. You do have to ask for certain services, such as callus removal or foot massages, as they are not automatically included in the pedicure package.
The Pricing
The prices for the services here are also one of the most reasonable in Cedar Springs, MI. The feedback for the salon states that the same services anywhere else will be at least twice the price. The staff is friendly, sometimes even opening early to accommodate a group.
What Everyone Says About This Place
While there are a few negative comments about unsatisfactory seating services, most of the feedback is quite positive. People also reported that the place was clean and tidy for the most part. If you are at one of the top Cedar Springs, MI shopping places and want some pampering, visit DJ Nails today! They do a very good job each time while the surroundings will also put you at ease. If you live near the Cedar Springs, MI 49319 area, this salon will be one of the most convenient spots to visit.
2. Nikki and Company Hair Design
One of the top reasons why you should live in Cedar Springs, Michigan is the accessibility of convenient stores and salons. Nikki and Company Hair Design is one of these; it is at 171 West Muskegon Street, Cedar Springs, MI 49319. It is evident that the Cedar Springs, MI 49319 zip code is among the best places for some pampering and self-care.
Why Go Here?
If you are on the lookout for a place that does both hair and nails, look no further. The owner Nikki here is a professional in cutting and styling hair, winning five-star reviews from customers each time. Overall, the staff is friendly, personable, and well-trained in their profession.
3. Angel Nails
This is another example of the great nail salons within Cedar Springs, MI 49319. Its address is 3700 17 Mile Rd NE, Cedar Springs, MI 49319.
Why Go Here?
This place at Cedar Springs, MI 49319 offers detailed manicures with a decent color selection. You will enjoy the friendly staff, the attention, and accurate results. They also accept credit cards, so it is a convenient stop at any point during the day.
The Takeaway
Cedar Springs, MI might be one of the best places to establish your career and raise a family. In addition to this, it also provides several nail salons and other beauty-related stops. Whether you have just returned from one of the best campgrounds in Cedar Springs, MI or simply need some self-care, the Cedar Springs, MI 49319 area has the best options. You may also look around for more hair and nail salons in Grand Rapids and other nearby cities.
For more relaxing activities, check out the top golf courses in Cedar Springs, MI. They might not be within the Cedar Springs, MI 49319 vicinity, but close enough to work in a game of golf and a nail appointment!
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